Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#7738, aired 2018-04-11TIME FOR CLASS $200: Latin: Nice abs! Ab extra means "from outside"; ab initio means "from" this the beginning
#7738, aired 2018-04-11TIME FOR CLASS $400: Colorful clothing term describing the social class of miners or mechanics blue collar
#7738, aired 2018-04-11TIME FOR CLASS $400: Poli sci: In presidential succession, this Cabinet job comes right after the pres. pro tempore of the Senate Secretary of State
#7738, aired 2018-04-11TIME FOR CLASS $600: Art history: The soup cans by this artist were huge in 1962 but his wooden replicas of Brillo soap pad boxes got ink, too Andy Warhol
#7738, aired 2018-04-11TIME FOR CLASS $800: For 2013, the IRS said you had to make about $429,000 to be in this elite statistical segment the one percent
#7738, aired 2018-04-11TIME FOR CLASS $800: Geography: Along the national scenic trail named for this line, spilled water might flow east, might flow west the continental divide
#7738, aired 2018-04-11TIME FOR CLASS $1000: Anatomy: The lower end of this arm bone includes 2 projections called epicondyles; wait, that's not funny at all the humerus
#7738, aired 2018-04-11TIME FOR CLASS $1600: Farmers in this Middle Ages class could not be sold individually like slaves but did get thrown in with estates serfs
#7738, aired 2018-04-11TIME FOR CLASS $2,000 (Daily Double): In Marxism the proletariat is the wage-earning class; this is the middle class one big on property values the bourgeoisie
#7738, aired 2018-04-11TIME FOR CLASS $2000: In 1997 K.R. Narayanan became the first member of this lowest Indian social caste to be head of state the Untouchables
#5736, aired 2009-07-13TIME FOR CLASS $200: P.E.: Practice hard to become a Hall of Famer in this sport, like Cal Ripken Jr. baseball
#5736, aired 2009-07-13TIME FOR CLASS $400: Science: "Rover" around & discover that a "year" on this planet lasts 687 days Mars
#5736, aired 2009-07-13TIME FOR CLASS $600: Shop: No, you will most certainly not be working with the gas-flame device called an acetylene this torch
#5736, aired 2009-07-13TIME FOR CLASS $800: French: "Le livre est sur la table" means this is on the table; pick it up & start learning the book
#5736, aired 2009-07-13TIME FOR CLASS $1000: English: Learn that he left Princeton without a degree in 1917 & 8 years later penned "The Great Gatsby" F. Scott Fitzgerald

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