Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9221, aired 2024-12-09THOSE ETRUSCAN DARNERS $200: Most Etruscan clothes were made from a thick, heavy form of this animal fiber wool
#9221, aired 2024-12-09THOSE ETRUSCAN DARNERS $400: Etruscan weavers were using this checkered pattern in the 7th century B.C., long before those darn Scots & their tartans plaid
#9221, aired 2024-12-09THOSE ETRUSCAN DARNERS $600: This cloth made from flax fiber was used for Etruscan finery linen
#9221, aired 2024-12-09THOSE ETRUSCAN DARNERS $800: A 7th century B.C. bronze pendant show Etruscan women warping & weaving cloth on a double-storied one of these a loom
#9221, aired 2024-12-09THOSE ETRUSCAN DARNERS $1000: The Etruscan tebenna was this type of loose garment that sounds like a fireplace shelf a mantle

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