Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (45 results returned)
#8429, aired 2021-06-24 | THIS MEANS WAR! $200: A proverbial weight-loss phrase is this "of the bulge" battle |
#8429, aired 2021-06-24 | THIS MEANS WAR! $400: A cornerback or safety goes after the quarterback sack when sent in on this defensive option a blitz |
#8429, aired 2021-06-24 | THIS MEANS WAR! $600: To come into conflict, as the same-named "Train In Vain" band members certainly did The Clash |
#8429, aired 2021-06-24 | THIS MEANS WAR! $800: Legally, lifting a fist in a threatening way can be this; battery takes things to the next level assault |
#8429, aired 2021-06-24 | THIS MEANS WAR! $1000: This 5-letter word borrowed from French describes hand-fighting done by scores of people melee |
#6524, aired 2013-01-17 | THIS MEANS WAR! $400: The assassination of Franz Ferdinand WWI |
#6524, aired 2013-01-17 | THIS MEANS WAR! $800: The explosion of the USS Maine the Spanish-American War |
#6524, aired 2013-01-17 | THIS MEANS WAR! $1200: Marshal Choe Yong Gun leads his troops across a border the Korean War |
#6524, aired 2013-01-17 | THIS MEANS WAR! $1600: Egypt & Syria simultaneously attack Israel on 2 fronts, on a holy day the Yom Kippur War |
#6524, aired 2013-01-17 | THIS MEANS WAR! $2000: Bismarck publishes the Ems telegram, royally peeving Napoleon III the Franco-Prussian War |
#5619, aired 2009-01-29 | THIS MEANS "WAR" $400: An example of the wavering cry of this type of bird is heard here a warbler |
#5619, aired 2009-01-29 | THIS MEANS "WAR" $800: Lech Kaczynski used the mayoralty of this city as a political springboard Warsaw |
#5619, aired 2009-01-29 | THIS MEANS "WAR" $1,000 (Daily Double): This phrase is derived from Oliver Cromwell's request to be painted as he was, including blemishes warts and all |
#5619, aired 2009-01-29 | THIS MEANS "WAR" $1200: Have some cherry pie & name this group Warrant |
#5619, aired 2009-01-29 | THIS MEANS "WAR" $2000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a piece of materiel.) The energetic materials center at New Mexico tech is testing shape charges, a type of this that's formed for maximum impact a warhead |
#5306, aired 2007-10-08 | THIS MEANS WAR! $200: In this U.S. war, it was the Yanks vs. the Confederates the Civil War |
#5306, aired 2007-10-08 | THIS MEANS WAR! $400: During the Revolutionary War, volunteers ready to fight with 60 seconds' notice were called these minutemen |
#5306, aired 2007-10-08 | THIS MEANS WAR! $600: This future state declared its independence in 1836 during a war with Mexico Texas |
#5306, aired 2007-10-08 | THIS MEANS WAR! $800: Lasting from 1957 to 1975, it's the longest war in which the U.S. has taken part the Vietnam War |
#5306, aired 2007-10-08 | THIS MEANS WAR! $1000: The Hundred Years' War, 1337 to 1453, was fought between England & this country France |
#5176, aired 2007-02-26 | THIS MEANS WAR! $200: With 22 enemy planes shot down, Eddie Rickenbacker was the USA's No.1 flying ace during this war World War I |
#5176, aired 2007-02-26 | THIS MEANS WAR! $400: "Troilus and Cressida" & "The Iliad" recount the events of this ancient conflict the Trojan War |
#5176, aired 2007-02-26 | THIS MEANS WAR! $800: It's the war that took place on the Iberian Peninsula from 1936 to 1939 the Spanish Civil War |
#5176, aired 2007-02-26 | THIS MEANS WAR! $1000: Frederick the Great's invasion of Silesia in 1740 launched the war of this country's succession Austria |
#5176, aired 2007-02-26 | THIS MEANS WAR! $2,000 (Daily Double): The French Revolution inspired a similar one in this Caribbean country in 1791 Haiti |
#4648, aired 2004-11-17 | THIS MEANS WAR $400: In 2001 Teddy Roosevelt received a posthumous Medal of Honor for his actions during this war the Spanish-American War |
#4648, aired 2004-11-17 | THIS MEANS WAR $800: Legend has it that this war lasted for 10 years, ending in 1184 B.C. the Trojan War |
#4648, aired 2004-11-17 | THIS MEANS WAR $1200: It began in 1899 when the Orange Free State & South African Republic declared war on Britain the Boer War |
#4648, aired 2004-11-17 | THIS MEANS WAR $1600: The 7th Earl of Cardigan saw his famous light brigade decimated in the Battle of Balaklava in this war the Crimean War |
#4648, aired 2004-11-17 | THIS MEANS WAR $2000: The second of these wars between ancient Rome & Carthage is also known as the Hannibalic war the Punic Wars |
#4267, aired 2003-03-04 | THIS MEANS "WAR" $200: Principal prison official warden |
#4267, aired 2003-03-04 | THIS MEANS "WAR" $400: Clothes collection wardrobe |
#4267, aired 2003-03-04 | THIS MEANS "WAR" $600: Wild African seen here warthog |
#4267, aired 2003-03-04 | THIS MEANS "WAR" $800: A guarantee on purchased goods warranty |
#4267, aired 2003-03-04 | THIS MEANS "WAR" $1000: A town at the mouth of the Providence River Warwick |
#3706, aired 2000-10-16 | THIS MEANS WAR! $100: The USA's began in 1861, Angola's in 1975 Civil War |
#3706, aired 2000-10-16 | THIS MEANS WAR! $200: The Pequot, Pontiac's & the Nez Perce were 3 of these "wars" Indian wars |
#3706, aired 2000-10-16 | THIS MEANS WAR! $300: A theory formed in the 1980s says this type of "war" would be followed by the same type of "winter" nuclear war |
#3706, aired 2000-10-16 | THIS MEANS WAR! $400: (Hi, I'm Andy Summers.) The U.S. government called the Korean War this, which sounds like a lawsuit by my old band police action |
#3706, aired 2000-10-16 | THIS MEANS WAR! $500: 18th c. Europe was "throne" into confusion by the War of the Austrian one & the war of the Spanish one Succession |
#3293, aired 1998-12-23 | THIS MEANS WAR! $200: It's German for "struggle", as in my or "Mein" struggle Kampf |
#3293, aired 1998-12-23 | THIS MEANS WAR! $400: Churchill's famous statement about the R.A.F. begins "Never in the field of human" this conflict |
#3293, aired 1998-12-23 | THIS MEANS WAR! $600: Vic Morrow was Sergeant Chip Saunders in this 1960s TV series Combat |
#3293, aired 1998-12-23 | THIS MEANS WAR! $800: As it's French for "war", it makes the title "The Return of Martin War" guerre |
#3293, aired 1998-12-23 | THIS MEANS WAR! $1000: A Muslim may fulfill one of these fights against evil by heart, tongue, hand or sword jihad |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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