Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8494, aired 2021-10-21THIS IS THE WAY $200: It's pretty much a straight 8-hour shot up I-5 to go the 500 miles from San Diego to this capital Sacramento
#8494, aired 2021-10-21THIS IS THE WAY $400: You leave Big Sky on Route 64 but may cut some of the 4-hour drive on I-15 to Great Falls, as you can legally go 80 in this state Montana
#8494, aired 2021-10-21THIS IS THE WAY $600: Drive your Jaguar out of Jacksonville on I-95 south & I-4 for a couple of hours to this city to enjoy attractions like EPCOT Orlando
#8494, aired 2021-10-21THIS IS THE WAY $800: Motor north on Route 7 out of Middlebury & a bit under an hour later, you'll be in Burlington in this state Vermont
#8494, aired 2021-10-21THIS IS THE WAY $1000: Leaving Las Vegas, but not casinos? Zip north up Route 95, then west on I-80 to enjoy this seat of Washoe County Reno

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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