Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8895, aired 2023-06-16THIS IS ALL A BIT MUCH $400: This word refers to the great flood endured by Noah, or torrential rain of non-biblical proportions diluvial (deluge)
#8895, aired 2023-06-16THIS IS ALL A BIT MUCH $800: You've "gone" this, like Goldie Hawn in a movie title & Anna Faris in the remake overboard
#8895, aired 2023-06-16THIS IS ALL A BIT MUCH $1200: There may be a bit of chagrin involved when this long word comes before "of riches" in an idiom embarrassment
#8895, aired 2023-06-16THIS IS ALL A BIT MUCH $2000: From the Greek for "fullness", this 8-letter word can mean an overabundance a plethora
#8895, aired 2023-06-16THIS IS ALL A BIT MUCH $4,000 (Daily Double): It means wastefully extravagant, like an offspring in Luke 15 prodigal

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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