Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8965, aired 2023-11-03THIS CATEGORY DOESN'T STINK $400: 2 odorless ingredients in your Pepsi are caffeine & this gas that gives it bubbles carbon dioxide
#8965, aired 2023-11-03THIS CATEGORY DOESN'T STINK $800: It's generally odorless, so an odorant is added to let you know if there's a leak or if you left the oven on natural gas
#8965, aired 2023-11-03THIS CATEGORY DOESN'T STINK $1200: Pure sulfur is odorless; the smelly stuff is stinkdamp, also known as H2S or this more technical term hydrogen sulfide
#8965, aired 2023-11-03THIS CATEGORY DOESN'T STINK $2000: Odorless & tasteless in its purified form, it's used to set aspics gelatin
#8965, aired 2023-11-03THIS CATEGORY DOESN'T STINK $4,000 (Daily Double): A strange visitor from another planet would find this gas, atomic number 36, odorless & colorless krypton
#4166, aired 2002-10-14THIS CATEGORY DOESN'T STINK $400: 2 odorless ingredients in your Pepsi are caffeine & this gas that gives it bubbles carbon dioxide
#4166, aired 2002-10-14THIS CATEGORY DOESN'T STINK $800: Mimi makes artificial ones in "La boheme" flowers
#4166, aired 2002-10-14THIS CATEGORY DOESN'T STINK $1200: Obtained from crude petroleum, this white, tasteless & odorless substance is used to make candles paraffin
#4166, aired 2002-10-14THIS CATEGORY DOESN'T STINK $1600: It's generally odorless, so an odorant is added to let you know if there's a leak or if you left the oven on natural gas
#4166, aired 2002-10-14THIS CATEGORY DOESN'T STINK $2000: Odorless & tasteless in its purified form, it's used to set aspics gelatin

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