Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)
#15, aired 2022-02-18 | DON'T BE SO THIRSTY $200: Invented in 1929, this clear beverage was originally called "Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda" 7 Up |
#15, aired 2022-02-18 | DON'T BE SO THIRSTY $400: Introduced to Europe around the 17th century, it was sometimes referred to as "Arabian wine" coffee |
#15, aired 2022-02-18 | DON'T BE SO THIRSTY $600: A dark mustache on a BYU student may indicate she's been drinking this, the most popular beverage sold there after water chocolate milk |
#15, aired 2022-02-18 | DON'T BE SO THIRSTY $1,000 (Daily Double): Earl Grey tea gets its distinctive taste from an oil derived from the bergamot variety of this fruit an orange |
#15, aired 2022-02-18 | DON'T BE SO THIRSTY $1000: Rice is soaked in water to make this Mexican beverage & Vampire Weekend song title horchata |
#7637, aired 2017-11-21 | THIRSTY $400: Tanqueray suggests this libation from a 1993 Snoop Dogg song should include orange & pineapple gin and juice |
#7637, aired 2017-11-21 | THIRSTY $800: The dried bark of this spice makes an appearance on the label of Fireball whisky cinnamon |
#7637, aired 2017-11-21 | THIRSTY $1200: Diddy has been known to shill for Cîroc, a French type of this liquor that's all the rage vodka |
#7637, aired 2017-11-21 | THIRSTY $1600: Also a type of medical emergency, it's equal parts lager & cider snakebite |
#7637, aired 2017-11-21 | THIRSTY $2000: A white cord adorns bottles of this hazelnut liqueur whose name begins with the Italian for "brother" Frangelico |
#6434, aired 2012-08-02 | IN CASE YOU'RE THIRSTY $200: The logo of this sports drink is a capital "G" with an orange lightning bolt in it Gatorade |
#6434, aired 2012-08-02 | IN CASE YOU'RE THIRSTY $400: The name of this lemon-lime soda means an elf or a fairy Sprite |
#6434, aired 2012-08-02 | IN CASE YOU'RE THIRSTY $800: Created in Atlanta, this soft drink was being sold in every state & territory of the U.S. by 1895 Coca-Cola |
#6434, aired 2012-08-02 | IN CASE YOU'RE THIRSTY $1000: This brand known for its vegetable juices has a line of V-Fusion juices V8 |
#6434, aired 2012-08-02 | IN CASE YOU'RE THIRSTY $2,500 (Daily Double): Glaceau makes a bottled beverage called "Vitamin" this water |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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