Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9236, aired 2024-12-30THINKERS & THEIR THOUGHTS $400: Gayle Rubin is among those who separate this from a person's biological sex, calling it "socially imposed division of the sexes" gender
#9236, aired 2024-12-30THINKERS & THEIR THOUGHTS $800: To John Cacioppo this ‑ness, the title of his book, is an evolutionary benefit; isolated, sad cavemen sought connections loneliness
#9236, aired 2024-12-30THINKERS & THEIR THOUGHTS $1200: To both Nietzsche & Clarkson, it's what makes me (says Friedrich) or you (says Kelly) stronger what doesn't kill me (you)
#9236, aired 2024-12-30THINKERS & THEIR THOUGHTS $1600: Economist G.D.H. Cole named this concept of universal free checks; the TV characters seen here enjoy it universal basic income
#9236, aired 2024-12-30THINKERS & THEIR THOUGHTS $2000: "What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the entire Torah", per this sage for whom Jewish campus chapters are named Hillel

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