Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7883, aired 2018-12-12THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER $400: Medical miracles march on: guinea worm, which in 1985 had 3 million cases on this continent, is on the verge of eradication Africa
#7883, aired 2018-12-12THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER $800: A bestseller by Steven Pinker about the joys of progress is called this 18th century era of reason "Now" Enlightenment
#7883, aired 2018-12-12THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER $1200: As Dr. King put it, "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward" this quality justice
#7883, aired 2018-12-12THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER $1600: The 1964 exhibit "Progressland" was sponsored by this giant power-&-more company General Electric
#7883, aired 2018-12-12THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER $2000: In the 1933 utopian work "Life in" this kind of -ocracy run by scientists, every citizen gets a yearly energy allotment in ergs technocracy

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