Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (20 results returned)

#8013, aired 2019-06-12THE RULES THEY JUST MADE UP $200: In New York, if these are sliced, they are considered "prepared foods" & must be taxed--even if no schmear is involved a bagel
#8013, aired 2019-06-12THE RULES THEY JUST MADE UP $400: Basketball rules made just to hamper this 100-point scorer include you can't throw an inbounds pass over the rim Wilt Chamberlain
#8013, aired 2019-06-12THE RULES THEY JUST MADE UP $600: SALT stands for "state and" these "taxes" & there's now a $10,000 limit on deducting them on your IRS 1040 local taxes
#8013, aired 2019-06-12THE RULES THEY JUST MADE UP $800: In 1969 the U.S. said whiskey must be at least 51% corn & stored in charred containers of this wood to be considered bourbon oak
#8013, aired 2019-06-12THE RULES THEY JUST MADE UP $1000: Explosive name for the step the Senate took on Nov. 21, 2013, limiting future debate on judicial nominees the nuclear option
#5829, aired 2010-01-07THEY RULED! $400: At one time, he was first secretary of the Sverdlovsk Party Committee Yeltsin
#5829, aired 2010-01-07THEY RULED! $800: In 1979, this leader had to flee his own country the Shah
#5829, aired 2010-01-07THEY RULED! $1600: This king of Saudi Arabia was assassinated by his nephew in 1975 King Faisal
#5829, aired 2010-01-07THEY RULED! $2000: This former law professor was prime minister of his country for parts of three decades Pierre Elliott Trudeau
#5829, aired 2010-01-07THEY RULED! $8,000 (Daily Double): He was the longest serving prime minister of his country & is seen here in his trademark outfit (Jawaharlal) Nehru
#5689, aired 2009-05-07THEY RULED! $400: Radically changed China (1949-76) Mao Tse-tung
#5689, aired 2009-05-07THEY RULED! $800: A less-than-pleasant Russian (1547-84) Ivan the Terrible
#5689, aired 2009-05-07THEY RULED! $1200: Spain management (1939-75) Franco
#5689, aired 2009-05-07THEY RULED! $1600: Roman around (27 B.C. to 14 A.D.) Augustus (Caesar)
#5689, aired 2009-05-07THEY RULED! $3,000 (Daily Double): King of Jordan & a familiar name to our president (1952-99) Hussein
#5482, aired 2008-06-10THEY RULED IN 1708 $200: Having succeeded his brother Mustafa II, Ahmed III was this empire's sultan & would remain so until 1730 the Ottoman Empire
#5482, aired 2008-06-10THEY RULED IN 1708 $400: Famous for his determined policy of "Westernization", this "great" guy was czar of Russia in 1708 Peter the Great
#5482, aired 2008-06-10THEY RULED IN 1708 $600: In 1708 Philip V & John V ruled these neighboring kingdoms on the same peninsula Spain & Portugal
#5482, aired 2008-06-10THEY RULED IN 1708 $800: Sacre bleu!! By 1708 he'd been on the throne of France for an incredible 65 years Louis XIV
#5482, aired 2008-06-10THEY RULED IN 1708 $1,400 (Daily Double): Also the king of Hungary & Bohemia, Joseph I held this other imperial crown in 1708 the Holy Roman Empire

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