Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6119, aired 2011-03-31THEY NAMED A MOUNTAIN FOR ME $200: Mount Walsh in the Yukon is named for an officer in the North West Mounted Police, today known as this force the Mounties
#6119, aired 2011-03-31THEY NAMED A MOUNTAIN FOR ME $400: Mount Clarence King in this range is named for the man who discovered Mount Whitney the Sierra Nevadas
#6119, aired 2011-03-31THEY NAMED A MOUNTAIN FOR ME $600: The USA's 14,264-foot Mount Evans was named for the second governor of this then-territory Colorado
#6119, aired 2011-03-31THEY NAMED A MOUNTAIN FOR ME $800: The Agassizhorn in the Bernese section of these mountains is named for a 19th century scientist the Alps
#6119, aired 2011-03-31THEY NAMED A MOUNTAIN FOR ME $1000: Imeni Ismail Samani Peak, the highest in Tajikistan, used to be named after this man (like some other places) Stalin

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