Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#5629, aired 2009-02-12 | THEY GOT IT ON eBAY! $200: Somebody paid $2,000 for an "18th century" kit for killing these; contents included hammer, stakes & a crucifix vampires |
#5629, aired 2009-02-12 | THEY GOT IT ON eBAY! $400: A Colo. woman paid $455 for water from a cup this guy drank from in 1977; he left the building soon after Elvis |
#5629, aired 2009-02-12 | THEY GOT IT ON eBAY! $600: Now that's recycling! A Seattle man got a $3,850 bid for this, worn only once, that had belonged to his ex-wife her wedding dress |
#5629, aired 2009-02-12 | THEY GOT IT ON eBAY! $800: An online casino paid $1,209 for a Dorito in the shape of this man's big pointy hat, or mitre the pope |
#5629, aired 2009-02-12 | THEY GOT IT ON eBAY! $1000: An offer to impart this drew only 8 bids & $3.26; heck, the DVD of the 1983 Monty Python flick goes for more than that the meaning of life |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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