Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#6626, aired 2013-06-10THEY'RE NO. 1! $400: 2009: blowing up with "Boom Boom Pow" The Black Eyed Peas
#6626, aired 2013-06-10THEY'RE NO. 1! $800: 1985: crying about how "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" Tears for Fears
#6626, aired 2013-06-10THEY'RE NO. 1! $1200: 1979: pondering "What a Fool Believes" The Doobie Brothers
#6626, aired 2013-06-10THEY'RE NO. 1! $1600: 1986: encouraging fans to "Walk Like an Egyptian" The Bangles
#6626, aired 2013-06-10THEY'RE NO. 1! $2000: 1966: "Reach Out, I'll Be There"; Levi Stubbs & this group the Four Tops
#5923, aired 2010-05-19THEY'RE NO. 1! $400: This country is the world's No. 1 debtor, owing more than $13 trillion the U.S.
#5923, aired 2010-05-19THEY'RE NO. 1! $800: This Riviera principality has the world's lowest unemployment rate--0% Monaco
#5923, aired 2010-05-19THEY'RE NO. 1! $1200: It has the world's highest net immigration rate; Dubai needs workers United Arab Emirates
#5923, aired 2010-05-19THEY'RE NO. 1! $2000: This tiny country wedged between Switzerland & Austria has the world's highest per capita GDP Liechtenstein
#5923, aired 2010-05-19THEY'RE NO. 1! $5,000 (Daily Double): Riyals actually gain value in Qatar--it has the world's lowest rate of this, negative 3.9% inflation

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