Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3910, aired 2001-09-07THE WRITINGS OF WOODY ALLEN $100: In one story this Transylvanian meets his end when an eclipse fools him into leaving his coffin by day Dracula
#3910, aired 2001-09-07THE WRITINGS OF WOODY ALLEN $200: Scientifically, "It is impossible to travel faster than" this, & "not desirable, as one's hat keeps blowing off" the speed of light
#3910, aired 2001-09-07THE WRITINGS OF WOODY ALLEN $300: The play "God", set in this ancient city, features the characters Trichinosis & Bursitis Athens
#3910, aired 2001-09-07THE WRITINGS OF WOODY ALLEN $400: Allen's essay on the "Origins" of this type of casual language introduces us to Sir Oswald Spiffy slang
#3910, aired 2001-09-07THE WRITINGS OF WOODY ALLEN $500: In "If the Impressionists Had Been Dentists", this man writes to Theo that Gauguin is disturbed & drinks Lavoris Van Gogh

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