Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9213, aired 2024-11-27THE WORLDS OF TV $400: Even though it sounds like the Ewok planet, this show is named for Diego Luna's character Andor
#9213, aired 2024-11-27THE WORLDS OF TV $800: It's the name of the menacing dimension on "Stranger Things" the Upside Down
#9213, aired 2024-11-27THE WORLDS OF TV $1200: According to Gene Roddenberry, this home planet of a USS Enterprise officer orbits a star called 40 Eridani A Vulcan
#9213, aired 2024-11-27THE WORLDS OF TV $1600: On a Syfy miniseries James Hook finds a magical orb that takes him, Peter & the Lost Boys to this one-word title world Neverland
#9213, aired 2024-11-27THE WORLDS OF TV $2000: Geralt of Rivia travels across a landmass simply known as the Continent on this show The Witcher

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