Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#6635, aired 2013-06-21THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S SPORTS HALL OF FAME $200: Althea Gibson tennis
#6635, aired 2013-06-21THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S SPORTS HALL OF FAME $400: Shannon Miller gymnastics
#6635, aired 2013-06-21THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S SPORTS HALL OF FAME $600: Janet Evans swimming
#6635, aired 2013-06-21THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S SPORTS HALL OF FAME $800: Jayne Torvill figure skating
#6635, aired 2013-06-21THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S SPORTS HALL OF FAME $1000: Janet Guthrie auto racing
#6307, aired 2012-02-07THE WOMEN'S SPORTS $200: Shawn Johnson & Deng Linlin gymnastics
#6307, aired 2012-02-07THE WOMEN'S SPORTS $400: Irina Slutskaya & Sasha Cohen figure skating
#6307, aired 2012-02-07THE WOMEN'S SPORTS $600: Lisa Leslie & Tina Thompson basketball
#6307, aired 2012-02-07THE WOMEN'S SPORTS $800: Shannon Boxx & Hope Solo soccer
#6307, aired 2012-02-07THE WOMEN'S SPORTS $1000: Paula Creamer & Cristie Kerr golf

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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