Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8080, aired 2019-10-25 | THE WESTERN CONFERENCE $400: Attended by 46 delegations, the San Francisco Conference of 1945 gave birth to this international organization the United Nations |
#8080, aired 2019-10-25 | THE WESTERN CONFERENCE $800: At the 1822 Guayaquil Conference, José de San Martín met this other South American liberator in western Ecuador (Simón) Bolívar |
#8080, aired 2019-10-25 | THE WESTERN CONFERENCE $1200: South by Southwest is an annual festival in this Texas city Austin, Texas |
#8080, aired 2019-10-25 | THE WESTERN CONFERENCE $1600: The 1920 Conference of San Remo along Italy's western Riviera decided the fate of this empire's former territories the Ottoman Empire |
#8080, aired 2019-10-25 | THE WESTERN CONFERENCE $2000: The 2018 Emerging Cascadia Innovation Corridor Conference featured this Washington gov. who's trying to stop climate change (Jay) Inslee |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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