Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9216, aired 2024-12-02THE WEDDED OPERA CATEGORY $400: The title of this Mozart opera promises a wedding & includes the name of the groom The Marriage of Figaro
#9216, aired 2024-12-02THE WEDDED OPERA CATEGORY $1200: Sir Walter Scott's "The Bride of Lammermoor" was the basis for the opera called her "di Lammermoor" (& yes, she gets married) Lucia
#9216, aired 2024-12-02THE WEDDED OPERA CATEGORY $1600: The traditional "Here Comes The Bride" used at weddings is from his opera "Lohengrin", where Elsa marries the title character Wagner
#9216, aired 2024-12-02THE WEDDED OPERA CATEGORY $2000: One of Smetana's best-known pieces is his overture to this opera leading up to a wedding The Bartered Bride
#9216, aired 2024-12-02THE WEDDED OPERA CATEGORY $3,000 (Daily Double): The Verdi opera named for this Shakespeare character ends with a double wedding & apparently an early same sex one! Falstaff

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