Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4661, aired 2004-12-06THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES $200: John Surratt's plan to end the war was to kidnap this man; a co-conspirator came up with another plan... Lincoln
#4661, aired 2004-12-06THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES $400: The regulation color for Confederate coats was cadet this gray
#4661, aired 2004-12-06THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES $600: This "Ben-Hur" author was removed from command and reinstated twice Lew Wallace
#4661, aired 2004-12-06THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES $800: This capital of the confederacy was just 100 miles from Washington, D.C. Richmond, Virginia
#4661, aired 2004-12-06THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES $1000: The 1862 battle called "Fair" these trees, was a fair fight, 42,000 soldiers a side were engaged oaks

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