Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#5418, aired 2008-03-12THE WALTZ $200: Waltzes are characterized by swift, gliding turns & music that has this many quarter notes to a measure 3
#5418, aired 2008-03-12THE WALTZ $400: A dance in the 1786 opera "Una Cosa Rara" popularized this waltz style named for a city Viennese
#5418, aired 2008-03-12THE WALTZ $600: Act III of this 1893 Engelbert Humerpdinck opera features the "Gingerbread Waltz" Hansel and Gretel
#5418, aired 2008-03-12THE WALTZ $800: Although known as the "Waltz King", he also composed many marches & well-known polkas (Johann) Strauss
#5418, aired 2008-03-12THE WALTZ $1000: Pee Wee King co-wrote this waltz & had a country hit with it in 1948; later it became a state song "The Tennessee Waltz"
#2404, aired 1995-02-02THE WALTZ $200: The word waltz came from Walzen, which means "to revolve" in this language German
#2404, aired 1995-02-02THE WALTZ $400: The waltz named for this capital of Massachusetts features an occasional dipping turn Boston
#2404, aired 1995-02-02THE WALTZ $600: This composer of "The Emperor Waltz" was called "The Emperor of the Waltz" as well as "The Waltz King" Johann Strauss
#2404, aired 1995-02-02THE WALTZ $800: This composer's "Waltz of the Flowers" is one of the most famous waltzes in ballet Tchaikovsky
#2404, aired 1995-02-02THE WALTZ $2,200 (Daily Double): Fairy tale opera that features the "Gingerbread Waltz" Hansel and Gretel

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