Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8564, aired 2022-01-27THE W.H.O. SAYS... $400: Hormonal influences make this headache disorder twice as common in women as in men migraine
#8564, aired 2022-01-27THE W.H.O. SAYS... $800: This inflammation & narrowing of airways is the most common chronic disease of children asthma
#8564, aired 2022-01-27THE W.H.O. SAYS... $1200: You can reduce your risk of stroke, heart disease & this, also called high blood pressure, by limiting your salt intake hypertension
#8564, aired 2022-01-27THE W.H.O. SAYS... $1600: Often found in home-canned foods, the bacterial toxins that cause this illness are among the most lethal substances known botulism
#8564, aired 2022-01-27THE W.H.O. SAYS... $2000: Early supportive care & rehydration improve survival of this viral hemorrhagic fever named for a Central African river Ebola

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