Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9270, aired 2025-02-14THE VICE PRESIDENCY: AMERICA DECIDES $200: He was still walking jauntily in 1920 when he lost the vice presidency to Calvin Coolidge FDR
#9270, aired 2025-02-14THE VICE PRESIDENCY: AMERICA DECIDES $400: In 1980 George Bush (he didn't need "H.W." yet) decisively defeated this Minnesotan Mondale
#9270, aired 2025-02-14THE VICE PRESIDENCY: AMERICA DECIDES $600: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., Nixon's running mate in 1960, was defeated by this man on the ticket with JFK LBJ
#9270, aired 2025-02-14THE VICE PRESIDENCY: AMERICA DECIDES $800: Dick Cheney narrowly won the office, meaning this man did not become the first Jewish veep Lieberman
#9270, aired 2025-02-14THE VICE PRESIDENCY: AMERICA DECIDES $1000: The 1996 race to be a heartbeat away was between Al Gore & this ex-football pro (Jack) Kemp

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