Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5893, aired 2010-04-07THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS $400: informs us that an "idiot box" is actually one of these electronic devices a television
#5893, aired 2010-04-07THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS $800: This 1843 character says, "every idiot... with 'Merry Christmas on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding" Ebenezer Scrooge
#5893, aired 2010-04-07THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS $1200: "The Complete Idiot's Guide to" this year addresses Mayans' predictions & their long count calendar 2012
#5893, aired 2010-04-07THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS $1600: In "Love and Death" Berdykov is one of these & is seen attending a convention of them from all over Russia village idiots
#5893, aired 2010-04-07THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS $2000: At the end of this man's "The Idiot", Prince Myshkin goes back to his doctor in Switzerland after failing at love Dostoyevsky

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