Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4828, aired 2005-09-14THE THEATAH $200: A 1982 play by this man is set among the Jerome family of Brighton Beach in 1937 Neil Simon
#4828, aired 2005-09-14THE THEATAH $400: The plays of Franz Grillparzer, called this country's greatest dramatist, include "Family Strife In Hapsburg" Austria
#4828, aired 2005-09-14THE THEATAH $600: Ralph "Mike Hammer" Meeker & John C. "Mr. Cellophane" Reilly have played this role made famous by Brando Stanley Kowalski
#4828, aired 2005-09-14THE THEATAH $800: Aeschylus' play named for this king, Clytemnestra's husband, opens at his palace in Argos Agamemnon
#4828, aired 2005-09-14THE THEATAH $1,000 (Daily Double): Jack Absolute & Bob Acres, both vying for Lydia Languish's hand, are the title characters of this Sheridan play The Rivals

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