Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4781, aired 2005-05-23THE SMART SET $200: As co-editor of the influential magazine The Smart Set, this Baltimorean attacked the "booboisie" (H.L.) Mencken
#4781, aired 2005-05-23THE SMART SET $400: His first U.S. publication, in the May 1915 Smart Set, was 2 stories about Dubliners James Joyce
#4781, aired 2005-05-23THE SMART SET $600: In 1919 The Smart Set ran his first paid story, "Babes in the Woods"; in 1922, the classic "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz" F. Scott Fitzgerald
#4781, aired 2005-05-23THE SMART SET $1,000 (Daily Double): This ex-sailor published 3 early sea plays in the magazine, including "The Long Voyage Home" Eugene O'Neill
#4781, aired 2005-05-23THE SMART SET $1000: His 1st published story, "The Parthian Shot", ran in The Smart Set in 1922, before he began doing his spadework Dashiell Hammett

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