Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7120, aired 2015-07-24THE SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION $400: The SEC's original purpose was to give confidence to investors who lost money due to the crash of this year 1929
#7120, aired 2015-07-24THE SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION $800: The SEC says this illegal type of trading involves "possession of material, nonpublic information about" a stock insider trading
#7120, aired 2015-07-24THE SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION $1,000 (Daily Double): The SEC regulates this type of 5-letter material that allows shareholders to vote without being present a proxy
#7120, aired 2015-07-24THE SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION $1600: Being misleading over a housing market investment cost this "group" $285 million when the SEC got wind of it Citigroup
#7120, aired 2015-07-24THE SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION $2000: She brought down John Gotti; "You don't wanna mess with Mary Jo", said President Obama, in nominating this current SEC head Mary Jo White

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