Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6463, aired 2012-10-24THE RUM DIARIES $200: Day 1: I wish I were still this "sweet" perennial grass, but I seem to have another destiny (sugar)cane
#6463, aired 2012-10-24THE RUM DIARIES $400: Day 14: I enjoy life in the balmy air of this capital of Puerto Rico San Juan
#6463, aired 2012-10-24THE RUM DIARIES $600: Day 24: After distillation, I am clear & clean & am told I will gain color from aging in this customary wood oak
#6463, aired 2012-10-24THE RUM DIARIES $800: Day 78: I am bottled at the Bacardi factory; this mammal's image on the label is freaking me out a bat
#6463, aired 2012-10-24THE RUM DIARIES $1000: Day 100: While being mixed into a zombie, I had a great talk with this rum buddy named for a Welsh buccaneer Captain Morgan

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