Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (4 results returned)
#4848, aired 2005-10-12 | THE PRE-PSAT $200: Billy loves the Red Sox no matter what; he loves 'em A) eerily B) unconditionally C) ceremoniously D) haphazardly unconditionally |
#4848, aired 2005-10-12 | THE PRE-PSAT $400: In the diagram here, the quantity is greater in column 1, column 2, or the columns are equal the columns are equal |
#4848, aired 2005-10-12 | THE PRE-PSAT $600: Paintbrush: artist as A) writer: pen B) lawsuit: duck C) saw: carpenter D) stethoscope: supermodel saw: carpenter |
#4848, aired 2005-10-12 | THE PRE-PSAT $800: Ounce: gallon as A) water: wine B) light: dark C) book: chapter D) inch: yard inch: yard |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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