Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4889, aired 2005-12-08THE PAULY SHORE FILE $200: Along with David Schwimmer, Lenny Kravitz, Angelina Jolie & Nicolas Cage, Pauly attended this ritzy H.S. Beverly Hills High
#4889, aired 2005-12-08THE PAULY SHORE FILE $400: Pauly once had his own TV show titled "Totally Pauly" on this youth-skewing cable TV network MTV
#4889, aired 2005-12-08THE PAULY SHORE FILE $600: In this film, Pauly & Sean Astin play a couple of kids who thaw out a caveman & try to use him to be cool Encino Man
#4889, aired 2005-12-08THE PAULY SHORE FILE $800: In a 1999 TV movie Pauly brought to life this controversial 1960s comedian Lenny Bruce
#4889, aired 2005-12-08THE PAULY SHORE FILE $1000: The 2005 series "Minding the Store" showed Pauly running this club once run by his mother, Mitzi The Comedy Store

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