Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#4093, aired 2002-05-22 | THE OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL $400: After each new Surgeon General is appointed by the President, this government body has to approve him or her the Senate |
#4093, aired 2002-05-22 | THE OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL $800 (Daily Double): The Surgeon General's office is part of this Cabinet department Health & Human Services |
#4093, aired 2002-05-22 | THE OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL $800: The first Surgeon General, known as Supervising Surgeon then, was named in 1871 during this president's term Grant |
#4093, aired 2002-05-22 | THE OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL $1600: Before he became Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher was head of the Centers for this Disease Control |
#4093, aired 2002-05-22 | THE OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL $2000: The emblem of the Surgeon General bears a white anchor & this traditional symbol of Hermes a caduceus |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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