Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9194, aired 2024-10-31THE OED SAYS H-I $400: "The biological genus that comprises modern man" Homo
#9194, aired 2024-10-31THE OED SAYS H-I $800: The body or frame of a ship, apart from the mast, sails & rigging hull
#9194, aired 2024-10-31THE OED SAYS H-I $1200: "Veneration of any image or object... regarded as the embodiment of a god" idolatry
#9194, aired 2024-10-31THE OED SAYS H-I $1600: The OED, really living up to the word: "that does not cease; unceasing, ceaseless... either in duration or repetition" incessant
#9194, aired 2024-10-31THE OED SAYS H-I $2000: "A body of persons... ranked in grades, orders, or classes, one above another" a hierarchy

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