Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4843, aired 2005-10-05THE NOT-SO-DEADLY SINS $200: Women will curse thee if this bathroom object is left in the up position the toilet seat
#4843, aired 2005-10-05THE NOT-SO-DEADLY SINS $400: To capitalize all text in an email is an abomination that signifies the person is doing this shouting
#4843, aired 2005-10-05THE NOT-SO-DEADLY SINS $600: God's grace will shine on mealtime when this is put on a lap, not tucked into one's collar the napkin
#4843, aired 2005-10-05THE NOT-SO-DEADLY SINS $800: The Kingdom of Heaven will be thine, even to those who remove the tags from this signature Serta product the mattress
#4843, aired 2005-10-05THE NOT-SO-DEADLY SINS $1000: Thou shalt not wear white shoes from Labor Day til this holiday first officially observed in 1868 Memorial Day

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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