Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5735, aired 2009-07-10THE NIFTY 1930s $200: This future baseball giant first said "Hey!" to the world when he was born in Alabama in 1931 Willie Mays
#5735, aired 2009-07-10THE NIFTY 1930s $400: 1934 was the first year for this Oscar category, & the winner was "The Continental" Best Song
#5735, aired 2009-07-10THE NIFTY 1930s $600: This ski-nosed comic broke out of Vaudeville & made his Broadway acting debut in the 1933 musical "Roberta" Bob Hope
#5735, aired 2009-07-10THE NIFTY 1930s $800: (Jon of the Clue Crew reports from Tavern on the Green.) Tavern on the Green opened as a restaurant in 1934; this New York City mayor opened the door with a brass key & sampled the cuisine LaGuardia
#5735, aired 2009-07-10THE NIFTY 1930s $2,600 (Daily Double): Agatha Christie set Hercule Poirot afloat on a boat called the Karnak in this exotic 1937 novel Death on the Nile

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