Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5272, aired 2007-07-10THE NEW YORK TIMES JOURNALISTS $200: As Michelle Higgins is the "Practical" this, she'll tell you how to cut the high cost of flying to Africa Traveler
#5272, aired 2007-07-10THE NEW YORK TIMES JOURNALISTS $400: Frank Bruni, whose yearly entertainment budget is $350,000, is on this beat restaurants (food critic)
#5272, aired 2007-07-10THE NEW YORK TIMES JOURNALISTS $600: In 1990 Nicholas Kristof & his wife Sheryl WuDunn won a Pulitzer covering China's democracy movement in this place Tiananmen Square
#5272, aired 2007-07-10THE NEW YORK TIMES JOURNALISTS $800: We bet the first Monday in Oct. is always circled on Linda Greenhouse's calendar; she started on this Times beat in 1978 the Supreme Court
#5272, aired 2007-07-10THE NEW YORK TIMES JOURNALISTS $1000: Pulitzer-winning op-ed columnist Thomas L. Friedman wrote "A Brief History of the 21st Century" in "The World is" this Flat

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