Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#5696, aired 2009-05-18THE NEW YORK TIMES COLUMNISTS $400: (I'm Roger Cohen.) In November 2008 I urged the new president-elect to close this place where to date out of 770 detained, only 23 have been charged Guantanamo
#5696, aired 2009-05-18THE NEW YORK TIMES COLUMNISTS $800: (I'm Frank Rich.) I transitioned from theater critic to critic of the Bush Admin., as in my book subtitled "The Decline and Fall of Truth from 9/11 to" this 2005 natural disaster Hurricane Katrina
#5696, aired 2009-05-18THE NEW YORK TIMES COLUMNISTS $1200: (I'm Gail Collins.) In 2008 I wrote that Dean Barkley did well in this state's Senate race with a basic platform of "1) Not crazy 2) Not Norm Coleman and 3) Not Al Franken" Minnesota
#5696, aired 2009-05-18THE NEW YORK TIMES COLUMNISTS $1600: (I'm Charles Blow.) As the Time's visual op-ed columnist I used a U.S. oil production graph showing that McCain's plan to do this, baby, this wouldn't help us much drill
#5696, aired 2009-05-18THE NEW YORK TIMES COLUMNISTS $2000: (I'm Nicholas Kristof.) In 2008 I wrote that Obama's most difficult international test could be this Asian "country with 170 million people and up to 60 nuclear weapons (which) may be collapsing" Pakistan
#5327, aired 2007-11-06THE NEW YORK TIMES COLUMNISTS $200: An astronomical viewing facility, or Henry Fountain's column in Tuesday's Science Times Observatory
#5327, aired 2007-11-06THE NEW YORK TIMES COLUMNISTS $400: After the death of Red Smith, George Vecsey became a columnist on this subject sports
#5327, aired 2007-11-06THE NEW YORK TIMES COLUMNISTS $600: CCNY grad Clyde Haberman writes the NYC column for this section that doesn't have "-politan" after it Metro
#5327, aired 2007-11-06THE NEW YORK TIMES COLUMNISTS $800: "Our Towns" columnist Peter Applebome has come far since his career began at this state's Ypsilanti Press Michigan
#5327, aired 2007-11-06THE NEW YORK TIMES COLUMNISTS $1000: For those who blend materialism & counterculture, David Brooks coined "BoBo"-- bourgeois these bohemians

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