Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6679, aired 2013-10-03THE NEUTRON DANCE $400: It's the value of the net charge of a neutron zero
#6679, aired 2013-10-03THE NEUTRON DANCE $800: A nucleus with an excess of neutrons is described as this, meaning it is spontaneously emitting particles radioactive
#6679, aired 2013-10-03THE NEUTRON DANCE $1200: Your standard neutron is composed of 1 "up" & 2 "down" of these elementary particles quarks
#6679, aired 2013-10-03THE NEUTRON DANCE $1600: It helps in studying neutrons if you slow them down from near light speed to 15 mph in a block of this, aka heavy hydrogen deuterium
#6679, aired 2013-10-03THE NEUTRON DANCE $2000: Binding its neutrons to its protons, this "force" holds together an atom's nucleus strong

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