Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8662, aired 2022-06-14THE MORAL OF THE FABLE $200: This avian proverb is the moral of the fable of a lone stork among cranes birds of a feather flock together
#8662, aired 2022-06-14THE MORAL OF THE FABLE $400: "Don't" do this was learned when an accident ruined a girl's plans for a poultry empire count your chickens before they're hatched
#8662, aired 2022-06-14THE MORAL OF THE FABLE $600: A cockfight victor crows to show he's won, attracting a hungry eagle; as the saying has it, this quality goes before a fall pride
#8662, aired 2022-06-14THE MORAL OF THE FABLE $800: This one of Aesop's fables, about a disguised member of a flock, teaches the moral that doing mean tricks can backfire on you the wolf in sheep's clothing
#8662, aired 2022-06-14THE MORAL OF THE FABLE $1000: A fox stuck in a well tricks a goat into joining him; the goat learned this lesson meaning "take care before you act" look before you leap

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