Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9219, aired 2024-12-05THE MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM $400: By eating crabs, these fluffy critters help keep eelgrass growing, making them a keystone species of estuaries sea otters
#9219, aired 2024-12-05THE MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM $800: The aquarium carts around rescued birds of this type; in the wild, they fly thousands of miles in search of food albatross
#9219, aired 2024-12-05THE MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM $1200: The 28-foot forest exhibit of this large rootless algae that depends on sunlight, is home to leopard sharks & a bass named for it kelp
#9219, aired 2024-12-05THE MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM $1600: Unlike other jellyfish, comb jellyfish use these hairlike projections for movement; they also diffract light at their exhibit cilia
#9219, aired 2024-12-05THE MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM $2000: At the Rocky Shore Exhibit, the giant green species of this animal uses stinging cells on its tentacles to neutralize prey a sea anemone

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