Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8523, aired 2021-12-01THE MID-ATLANTIC STATES $200: Delaware Bay once teemed with these shellfish & New Jersey's state tall ship was a schooner built to harvest them oysters
#8523, aired 2021-12-01THE MID-ATLANTIC STATES $400: Alphabetically, it's New York's first county, followed by Allegany & Bronx Albany
#8523, aired 2021-12-01THE MID-ATLANTIC STATES $600: Horse-drawn buggies are not uncommon on the roads of this county on Pennsylvania's southern border Lancaster
#8523, aired 2021-12-01THE MID-ATLANTIC STATES $1000: Bordering similar communities in Ontario & Quebec, New York's St. Regis Reservation is home to this tribe the Mohawk
#8523, aired 2021-12-01THE MID-ATLANTIC STATES $4,000 (Daily Double): Mid-Atlantic city where you'll find the crypt of John Paul Jones Annapolis
#3270, aired 1998-11-20THE MID-ATLANTIC STATES $200: Zane Grey's ancestor Betty Zane helped save Fort Henry, now the site of this state's city of Wheeling West Virginia
#3270, aired 1998-11-20THE MID-ATLANTIC STATES $400: Its state fair is held in Columbia South Carolina
#3270, aired 1998-11-20THE MID-ATLANTIC STATES $600: On this Maryland site, during the bloodiest Civil War battle, Commissary Sgt. William McKinley served coffee Antietam
#3270, aired 1998-11-20THE MID-ATLANTIC STATES $800: Mary Pickford, Pearl White & Theda Bara were among those who made movies in Fort Lee in this state New Jersey
#3270, aired 1998-11-20THE MID-ATLANTIC STATES $1000: With Raleigh & Durham, it forms North Carolina's "Research Triangle" Chapel Hill

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