Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (9 results returned)

#3288, aired 1998-12-16HEY HEY WE'RE THE MACCABEES! $200: We fought against the Seleucid kingdom, founded by a general under this "great" conqueror Alexander the Great
#3288, aired 1998-12-16HEY HEY WE'RE THE MACCABEES! $400: We rededicated this edifice in December of 164 B.C., but 234 years later it was destroyed the Temple
#3288, aired 1998-12-16HEY HEY WE'RE THE MACCABEES! $500 (Daily Double): Our exploits are told in the group of books that Protestants call this, meaning "hidden" Apocrypha
#3288, aired 1998-12-16HEY HEY WE'RE THE MACCABEES! $600: In battle, our hero Eleazar perished when he killed one of these huge beasts -- unfortunately, from underneath an elephant
#2371, aired 1994-12-19THE MACCABEES $200: The Maccabees went to war after Antiochus rededicated the temple in Jerusalem to this chief Greek god Zeus
#2371, aired 1994-12-19THE MACCABEES $400: This Jewish holiday is also known as the Feast of the Maccabees Hanukkah
#2371, aired 1994-12-19THE MACCABEES $600: In "The City of God", he wrote that the church preserved the 4 books of the Maccabees as martyr tales St. Augustine
#2371, aired 1994-12-19THE MACCABEES $800: This king of Judea at Jesus' birth was a Jew; a Maccabee priest had forced his people to convert King Herod
#2371, aired 1994-12-19THE MACCABEES $1000: This son of Mattathias was the first to be given the title of Maccabee Judas

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