Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9235, aired 2024-12-27THE LAST TYCOON $200: In 2007 a Time magazine cover story called this News Corporation founder "The Last Tycoon" (Rupert) Murdoch
#9235, aired 2024-12-27THE LAST TYCOON $400: This newspaper tycoon brought a Cistercian monastery over from Spain but couldn't put it together again Hearst
#9235, aired 2024-12-27THE LAST TYCOON $800: Known as "The Commodore", he bought a boat in 1810 & began ferrying folks between Staten Island & NYC Vanderbilt
#9235, aired 2024-12-27THE LAST TYCOON $1000: This Greek shipping tycoon died not too far from the water at 63 Boulevard Victor Hugo, Neuilly-sur-Seine Onassis
#9235, aired 2024-12-27THE LAST TYCOON $2,000 (Daily Double): Jay Gould was so unscrupulously wealthy he could be the prototypical this, with a criminal & a noble title in the name a robber baron

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