Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8680, aired 2022-07-08THE JACKSONS, 5 $400: Among those she acknowledged on her 2019 induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame were Dick Clark, Don Cornelius & her brothers Janet Jackson
#8680, aired 2022-07-08THE JACKSONS, 5 $800: He was inspired by the original "King Kong" to become a filmmaker Peter Jackson
#8680, aired 2022-07-08THE JACKSONS, 5 $1200: In 2004, a stretch of highway in Georgia was named in honor of this great Alan Jackson
#8680, aired 2022-07-08THE JACKSONS, 5 $1600: In 2022, Erin Jackson made history as the first Black woman to win individual gold at the Winter Olympics, winning for this sport speed skating
#8680, aired 2022-07-08THE JACKSONS, 5 $2000: A 2-time Oscar winner, she went on to serve in Britain's Parliament from 1992 to 2015 Glenda Jackson

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