Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3280, aired 1998-12-04THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING ERNIE $200: Seen here earlier in his career, he recently appeared on TV's "The Single Guy" Ernest Borgnine
#3280, aired 1998-12-04THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING ERNIE $400: This zany TV comedian's antics began with shows like "Deadline For Dinner" & "It's Time For Ernie" Ernie Kovacs
#3280, aired 1998-12-04THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING ERNIE $600: Few know that this revolutionary's real first name is Ernesto Ernesto "Che" Guevara
#3280, aired 1998-12-04THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING ERNIE $800: The Cubs' first black player, he was also the first National Leaguer to be named MVP 2 years in a row Ernie Banks
#3280, aired 1998-12-04THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING ERNIE $1000: Killed by Japanese machine gun fire, this reporter won a Pulitzer for his wartime reporting Ernie Pyle

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