Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8922, aired 2023-07-25THE IDIOMS GO THATAWAY $400: This phrase describes a plane flying low to evade enemy detection, or anything that's not getting attention nowadays under the radar
#8922, aired 2023-07-25THE IDIOMS GO THATAWAY $800: Meaning somewhat liberal, this 3-word phrase describes how you've moved from the median left of center
#8922, aired 2023-07-25THE IDIOMS GO THATAWAY $1200: While tubing down a river, you do this, which can also be a rhyming idiom for accepting a situation go with the flow
#8922, aired 2023-07-25THE IDIOMS GO THATAWAY $1600: There's a member of genus Corvus in this phrase that means "in a straight line" as the crow flies
#8922, aired 2023-07-25THE IDIOMS GO THATAWAY $2000: Tennyson gave a poem about a ferry trip this title, now an idiom for dying "Crossing the Bar"

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