Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8159, aired 2020-02-13THE HORN OF AFRICA $200: National Geographic called the Danakil this, home to the Horn's Afar people, "the cruelest place on earth" Desert
#8159, aired 2020-02-13THE HORN OF AFRICA $400: Animals of the Horn include the hamadrayas, among the smallest of these big monkeys a baboon
#8159, aired 2020-02-13THE HORN OF AFRICA $600: The point of the Horn is the peninsula of this country that's earned a reputation as a haven for pirates Somalia
#8159, aired 2020-02-13THE HORN OF AFRICA $800: In 1993, this country broke away from Ethiopia to become the Horn's newest independent nation Eritrea
#8159, aired 2020-02-13THE HORN OF AFRICA $1000: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) The Horn of Africa is bordered by the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean & this body of water that gets its name from a seaport on the coast of Yemen the Gulf of Aden

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