Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#22, aired 2023-12-06THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE $300: Many Harlem Renaissance writers contributed to "The Crisis", the official magazine of this civil rights organization the NAACP
#22, aired 2023-12-06THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE $600: F. Scott Fitzgerald popularized this musical term for the lively era that coincided with the Harlem Renaissance the Jazz Age
#22, aired 2023-12-06THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE $1,000 (Daily Double): Historians cite this event that began in 1929 as one of the main reasons for the demise of the Harlem renaissance the Great Depression
#22, aired 2023-12-06THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE $1200: Music of the Harlem Renaissance included the voice of this jazz legend who has been portrayed by Diana Ross & Andra Day Billie Holliday
#22, aired 2023-12-06THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE $1500: Known as the Dean of the Renaissance, Alain Locke was the first African American awarded this scholarship to Oxford University the Rhodes Scholarship

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