Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7683, aired 2018-01-24THE GOLD STANDARD $200: Under the gold standard, the value of this circulating money, from Latin for "to run", is linked directly to gold currency
#7683, aired 2018-01-24THE GOLD STANDARD $400: In 1821 Britain became the first adopter of the gold standard, dropping this metal from its bimetallic system silver
#7683, aired 2018-01-24THE GOLD STANDARD $600: Advocates say the standard acts as check on this, caused by excessive issue of paper money inflation
#7683, aired 2018-01-24THE GOLD STANDARD $800: To combat the Depression, FDR moved the U.S. off the standard shortly after taking office in this year 1933
#7683, aired 2018-01-24THE GOLD STANDARD $1000: Off the standard for decades, the U.S. issues this kind of money backed by decree, Latin for "let it be done" fiat money

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