Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8030, aired 2019-07-05THE FIFA MEN'S WORLD CUP $200: In 2006 Zinedine Zidane famously incurred a red card infraction: this foul that even got a Paris statue named for it the headbutt
#8030, aired 2019-07-05THE FIFA MEN'S WORLD CUP $400: Pele was only 17 when he first played for this country in 1958--it would win 3 World Cups with him Brazil
#8030, aired 2019-07-05THE FIFA MEN'S WORLD CUP $600: In 2018 France won the final game 4-2, but only scored 3 times because the 4th goal was this type an own goal
#8030, aired 2019-07-05THE FIFA MEN'S WORLD CUP $800: Only 4 European teams competed in the first World Cup; the rest didn't want to travel all the way to this capital of Uruguay Montevideo
#8030, aired 2019-07-05THE FIFA MEN'S WORLD CUP $1000: England won its only Cup in 1966 in a 4-2 extra-time victory on its home pitch--this London stadium Wembley

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