Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (19 results returned)
#9242, aired 2025-01-07 | THE FATHER OF $400: Nicéphore Niépce & Louis Daguerre are both considered fathers of this field photography |
#9242, aired 2025-01-07 | THE FATHER OF $800: This American inventor is "The Father of the Steel Plow" (John) Deere |
#9242, aired 2025-01-07 | THE FATHER OF $1200: This "Father of Method Acting" taught some of the best of the best, including Al Pacino, James Dean & Marilyn Monroe Strasberg |
#9242, aired 2025-01-07 | THE FATHER OF $1600: This Swedish naturalist is classified as the "Father of Taxonomy" Linnaeus |
#9242, aired 2025-01-07 | THE FATHER OF $2000: This 17th century Englishman who enjoyed fishing & writing about it is known as the "Father of Angling" Izaak Walton |
#5287, aired 2007-09-11 | FATHER OF THE BRIDE $200: This steel man who gave away $350 million gave away his daughter Margaret at her 1919 wedding Andrew Carnegie |
#5287, aired 2007-09-11 | FATHER OF THE BRIDE $400: On Nov. 14, 1973 his daughter Anne got married at Westminster Abbey with 500 million watching on TV Prince Philip |
#5287, aired 2007-09-11 | FATHER OF THE BRIDE $600: In 2002 Ralph Steadman, who took a wild trip to this city with Hunter Thompson, went back to see his daughter wed Las Vegas |
#5287, aired 2007-09-11 | FATHER OF THE BRIDE $800: 9 weeks before he died, this Broadway lyricist got his daughter to the church on time (Alan Jay) Lerner |
#5287, aired 2007-09-11 | FATHER OF THE BRIDE $1000: Days before the 1992 election, this candidate accused the GOP of trying to disrupt his daughter's wedding Ross Perot |
#3871, aired 2001-06-04 | THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY $100: On Sept. 17, 1787 George Washington & James Madison became the only presidents to sign this document The Constitution |
#3871, aired 2001-06-04 | THE COUNTRY OF HIS FATHER $200: Filmmaker Frank Capra Italy |
#3871, aired 2001-06-04 | THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY $200: Washington's first cabinet appointments were Randolph, Knox, Jefferson & this treasury secretary Alexander Hamilton |
#3871, aired 2001-06-04 | THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY $300: Washington received his surveyor's commission from this Virginia college in 1749 William & Mary |
#3871, aired 2001-06-04 | THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY $400: Despite his wealth, Washington had to borrow 600 pounds to get to this city for his inauguration New York City |
#3871, aired 2001-06-04 | THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY $500: When Washington crossed the Delaware to attack British forces, it was to reach this New Jersey city Trenton |
#3871, aired 2001-06-04 | THE COUNTRY OF HIS FATHER $600: Actor Andy Garcia Cuba |
#3871, aired 2001-06-04 | THE COUNTRY OF HIS FATHER $800: Writer Carl Sandburg Sweden |
#3871, aired 2001-06-04 | THE COUNTRY OF HIS FATHER $1000: Politician Ralph Nader Lebanon |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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