Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#5789, aired 2009-11-12THE EXCHANGE STUDENT $200: Some are disappointed that Helvi doesn't swim this way, though it says online that naturism is big in Finland naked (or nude)
#5789, aired 2009-11-12THE EXCHANGE STUDENT $400: Asked if he'd ever seen snow before, Ekrem explained that Ankara in this country is farther north than Denver Turkey
#5789, aired 2009-11-12THE EXCHANGE STUDENT $600: Chen wants his U.S. host family to visit him in this Taiwanese capital so he can take us to Mount Yang-ming Taipei
#5789, aired 2009-11-12THE EXCHANGE STUDENT $800: Jorge from Bolivia craves a chuno, made from this now-staple food that originated in the Andes a potato
#5789, aired 2009-11-12THE EXCHANGE STUDENT $2,000 (Daily Double): Johan from South Africa speaks English, but on the phone with his mom, he uses this laanguaage related to Dutch Afrikaans
#4701, aired 2005-01-31THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT $400: If you're converting dollars to bolivianos, you mean to do some spending on this continent South America
#4701, aired 2005-01-31THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT $1200: In 1995 the dollar hit a record low of 80 of this currency of a WWII opponent the yen
#4701, aired 2005-01-31THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT $1600: Australia & this nearby country of 3.9 million people use a currency called the dollar New Zealand
#4701, aired 2005-01-31THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT $2,000 (Daily Double): As of 2002 the Finnish markka & Austrian schilling were replaced by this the euro
#4701, aired 2005-01-31THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT $2000: Belarus shares the name of this unit of currency with a larger neighbor the ruble

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